Just like everything else, Lotus Asia casino is the best when it comes to the safety of the players. After that, as you continue playing at this online casino you get to enjoy more and more of these bonuses in the form of the Free Spins, match deposit bonuses and other offers that are available for the players. These start coming your way right from the moment when you sign up at this casino in the form of a No Deposit Bonus. It also does not lag behind when it comes to rewarding players and provides a large number of bonuses on daily, weekly and monthly basis. This online casino has hundreds of games for the players and also claims to release numerous video slots and new jackpot titles every now and then making sure players are never going to run out of choices of games once they start playing. When it comes to the games, it offers high-quality games from top-notch gaming software providers like Rival Gaming, Betsoft and Saucify. A part of Lotus Affiliates, it is operated by Genesys Technology N.V and is committed to providing an exquisite gaming environment to the players. Lotus Asia Casino has been a part of the online gaming industry since 2011 and ever since it has established itself as a well-renowned name among the players.